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Dr. Mitesh Surana

Dr. Mitesh Surana, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar) gave an online guest lecture on  Earthquake Performance Assessment of Buildings: Non-Linear Static Analysis on 25 January. More than 130 people from India and abroad joined the online lecture. The participants included PG and doctoral students, structural engineers, industry people, and faculty members.

Dr. Surana provided a pivotal overview of structural analysis, explicitly focusing on the assumptions on the behaviour of structures or materials considering (a) Linear / Non-Linear Analysis; and (b) Elastic / In-Elastic Analysis. He delved into the primary concept of seismic analysis, focusing on the basic methods available for analyzing the responses of a structure when subjected to earthquake ground motion. Further, he explained the force-based seismic design, describing its design parameters and highlighting the structure’s behavior under earthquakes. During his presentation, he also summarized the main objective of seismic design and the intent of the code. The presentation involved a comprehensive valuation of non-linear static analysis annotating its capacity spectrum and capacity curve parameters. He also explained the estimation of seismic demand and earthquake performance assessment and highlighted their key features with related curves and results to provide the attendees with a clearer understanding of the topic and its practical applications. To conclude the presentation, Dr. Surana provided clear insights into the non-linear static analysis for the performance-based seismic design. The event was completed with an engaging and insightful discussion, with active participation from the attendees, which enriched the overall exploration of the topic and its significance in the field of earthquake engineering.

 Youtube link:  https://youtu.be/UJIK3lA2s8M

 January 2024