Aaditya M. Nair (Dual Degree, CS) and Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani of Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) won the first runner-up best paper award for their research on Maximally Recoverable Codes with Hierarchical Locality at the Silver Jubilee edition of National Conference on Communications (NCC 2019) from 20 – 23 February held at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
National Conference on Communications (NCC) is a premiere conference in India covering the fields of signal processing, communication and networks. It is organized by the Joint Telematics Group (JTG) comprising Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and IISc. NCC 2019 is very special since it is the Silver Jubilee edition of the conference.
The operation of a data center assumes that data will never be lost, or that the loss has probability that can be neglected for practical purposes. At the same time, on today’s scale of storage systems, disk failures occur on a daily basis. The objective is to store data reliably and efficiently across nodes in a network. The challenge is to have, with a certain degree of reliability, low storage overhead and efficient repair of failed nodes.
Maximally recoverable codes have been introduced in the context of distributed storage to minimize the number of nodes accessed to repair a failed node and hence enable efficient repair. In the award-winning paper, the authors design a new class of maximally recoverable codes, which can repair from multiple node failures efficiently.
Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) is actively involved in theoretical and applied research in the broad areas of: Next generation wireless systems, 5G, IoT, Sparse signal processing, Coding theory for distributed storage, distributed computing, broadcast networks and caching.