Dr. Kuldeep Ramchandra Kurte joined the Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI) as Assistant Professor. He obtained his Ph.D from in Spatial Image Information Mining from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay).
Kuldeep Kurte worked as a research scientist at Reliance New Solar Energy at Reliance Industries Limited. Before joining Reliance, he was a research scientist in the Computational Urban Sciences Group (CUSG) which was a part of the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. He completed his Ph.D. in Spatial Image Information Mining from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, in 2017. Later in January 2018, he joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher in the scalable geo-computation group. During his research career so far, he has performed applied AI and computing research to address various urban-centric problems. His experience and interest in AI/ML range from knowledge representation and reasoning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and geo-semantics.
Kuldeep has experience and interest in utilizing various HPC platforms, such as GPUs to solve problems at scale. In his first project at the ORNL, he worked on developing a scalable end-to-end human settlement detection workflow from satellite data and its deployment on the TITAN supercomputer (ranked #1 in 2013). From the application side, he is interested in research related to disaster situational awareness, decarbonatization, and energy optimization. As a research scientist at CUSG, he explored more urban applications such as transportation and building energy. Kuldeep is an active member of professional societies such as ACM and IEEE. Kuldeep has served as a referee for several international journals that include the IEEE JSTARS, TGRS, GRSL, and several others in the domain of geoscience and remote sensing, Energy and Applied Energy from the domain of Energy; Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; and Journal of Supercomputing from the area of high-performance computing (HPC). He has served as a referee and programming committee member for several workshops and conferences, such as ACM SIGSPATIAL, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE BigData, KDD, and EarthVision (CVPR workshop).
December 2024