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Dr. Ashok Kumar Das Associate Editor of CSA

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das has been appointed as an Associate Editor for Cyber Security and Applications (CSA) Elsevier journal.

To defend against various cyber-attacks, the companies and organizations should have right policies and procedures in place. Moreover, it is essential to develop new quantum-safe encryption algorithms and modern tools which can withstand quantum computer-based attacks. This Cyber Security and Applications (CSA) journal focuses on cyber breaches, cyber-attacks, quantum computing based encryption and decryption techniques and Cyber defense tools for improving level of cyber security.

In addition to this, CSA also welcomes the researchers to submit papers related to advanced methods and tools for improving cyber security in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Therefore, the CSA journal seeks innovative papers in the field of cyber security. CSA also accepts the substantially extended version of the conference papers in the field of cyber security.

Details at: https://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/cyber-security-and-applications/editorial-board/