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Dr. Ajay Chourasia

Dr. Ajay Chourasia, Chief Scientist & Head, Structural Engineering, 3D Concrete Printing Division, CSIR-CBRI Roorkee gave a talk on 3D Concrete Printing in Construction: Concrete Extrusion using Additive Manufacturing on 24 February for the IAStructE and IIIT Hyderabad Lecture Series.

Here is the summary of the talk by Dr. Ajay Chourasia in his words: 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technique used to fabricate various types of products and structures using various raw materials, directly from 3D models. It is an automated production process in which layer-by-layer material is extruded to form a structure. This technology has been gaining rapid development in recent years. 3D printing technology has been adopted in the manufacturing industry for decades and has recently been introduced in the construction industry as 3D concrete printing (3DCP) for building construction. 3DCP commits to be renowned benefits in the construction field in terms of design flexibility, customization, and reduction in construction cost, time-saving, workforce and sustainability. Furthermore, 3DCP has the requisite importance of eliminating the habitation crisis in many regions and bringing down pollution due to constructional activity. This study explored the different types of 3D printing technology used in construction and 3D printable mixes were reviewed, along with their rheological properties, such as pumpability, extrudability, build-ability, and mechanical properties like compressive strength and flexural strength. The discussion will be demarcating the reinforcement requirement and technique for implementation, sustainability, guidelines needed for 3D printing in construction and route for further research in 3DCP.

The invitation was extended by Prof. R Pradeep Kumar, Vice President (South), IAStructE & Director CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee.

February 2023