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Dr. A  K Das – TPC Chair at ACN-23

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das served as one of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chairs at the 7th International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (ACN-23) held in Bangalore from 18 – 20 December 2023.

ACN-23 brought together researchers, practitioners, and academia to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of communication networks, mobility and networked systems. ACN also promoted the use of AI techniques to address real-world problems. The conference had keynote addresses, contributed papers, workshops, symposiums, and tutorials on a wide range of topics. The conference was organized by the PES University, Bangalore. The conference was technically supported by IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangalore Chapter and IEEE Communications Society Bangalore Chapter


Conference page: https://acn-conference.org/2023/ 

January 2024