IIITH hosted the 2nd ACM Global Conference on Computing Education (CompEd 2023) from 7 – 9 December. The conference drew more than 120 participants, including over 60 participants from abroad. The conference was preceded by the CompEd-2023 working group meetings on 5 and 6 December, which attracted two working groups of a total of 15 participants.
IIITH also hosted the first day of the 6th Annual Compute Conference (COMPUTE 2023) on 9 December, which overlapped with the last day of CompEd. Compute had more than 140 registrants.
Dr. Venkatesh Choppella was the Conference Co-chair; Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanath and Dr. Raman Saxena were local arrangements chairs; Dr. Nazian Akhtar and Dr. Radhika Krishnan were DEIA chairs.
CompEd 2023 was co-located with COMPUTE 2023, a SIGCSE event of ACM India. ACM CompEd and COMPUTE share the common mission of bringing together educators, researchers and scholars in the field of computer science education at a national and global level. Co-locating the conferences in Hyderabad, India provided an opportunity for both communities to interact and showcase their research.
Link to conference pages: https://comped.acm.org/ and https://event.india.acm.org/compute/
December 2023