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Best Student Paper Award at APCCAS-2021

Salma Khan, a Ph.D student working under the supervision of  Dr. Syed Azeemuddin received the best student paper presentation award at Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS-2021) for her research work on High-Speed CMOS Ramp Generator using Proteretic Comparator held in hybrid mode from 22 – 26 November from Malaysia. 

The APCCAS is a major international forum for researchers, scientists, educators, students and engineers to exchange their latest findings in circuits and systems. It covers a wide range of topics including, but not limited to analog and mixed signal circuits and systems, digital circuits and systems, power/energy devices, circuits and systems, communication circuits and systems, internet of things circuits and systems, imaging system and technologies, high speed and optical wire lined circuits and systems, biomedical and healthcare circuits and systems, digital signal processing, sensors and interfaces, electronic design automation, artificial intelligent circuits and systems, nano electronics, devices and system integration, neural networks and neuromorphic engineering, signal processing, control and communications, multimedia systems and applications, education in circuits and systems, rf integrated circuit design and energy harvesting, integrated power management unit (PMU), gerontology circuits and systems, and automotive circuits and systems.