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Ashutosh Ranjan – Dual Degree CL

Ashutosh Ranjan received his MS Dual Degree in Computational Linguistics (CL). His research work was supervised by Prof. Dipti M Sharma. Here’s a summary of  Ashutosh Ranjan’s thesis Towards Understanding Polarization, and Its Life on Social Media as explained by him: 

This work is an attempt to study polarisation on social media data, in the Indian context. We focus on multiple controversial and talked about events and topics in the Indian diaspora, namely 1) the Sabarimala Temple (located in Kerala, India) incident which became a nationwide controversy when two women under the age of 50 secretly entered the temple breaking a long standing temple rule that disallowed women of menstruating age (10-50) to enter the temple and 2) the Indian government’s move to demonetise all existing 500 and 1000 denomination banknotes, comprising of 86\% of the currency in circulation, in November 2016 3) The Pulwama-Balakot incidents and its effect on popular sentiment towards India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi 4) Social media activity on events surrounding multiple lynching incidents from 2017 to 2019 and 5) the Indian Economy from 2013 to 2019 and popular response towards it on social media. We gather tweets from news media, and from common people on Twitter around these events in various time periods. Then, we pre-process and annotate them with their sentiment polarity and emotional category, and analyse trends to help us understand changing polarity over time around controversial events. While this study tries to find trends and patterns to decode the aspect of polarization in India’s social fabric, it’s also a case study on all these events and how India reacted to each one of them. The tweets collected are in English, Hindi and codemixed Hindi-English