The journey is represented by the boat in this artwork. Every student has made a boat, which stands for their individual aspirations and visions that originate from many locations. The three eyes (”III”-H) stand for three important concepts: hard effort, imagination, and innovation. The fact that the students have inscribed their dreams on these boats signifies the start of their voyage across our school.The obstacles and experiences that lie ahead are symbolised by the waves in the artwork. The boats’ ability to manoeuvre through the waves is a reflection of the students’ tenacity and will to achieve their goals. The boats’ variety of colours draws attention to how each student contributes a wealth of unique viewpoints and ideas to the community.This group piece of art not only highlights the uniqueness.This group project highlights each student’s uniqueness while simultaneously showcasing their role in a greater story. It acts as a reminder that, despite our different journeys and objectives, we are all on this together, encouraging and supporting one another along the way. Students are inspired to keep their aspirations in focus and work confidently towards their futures by the eyes keeping watch over the boats, which represent advice and foresight.The strength of imagination, creativity, and vision that propels us all onwards is celebrated in this installation, which honours beginnings and dreams.
The art installation idea was initiated by Shajil K G and Dr. Kavita Vemuri.
July 2024