Dr. Subhadip Mitra gave a talk on Leptoquarks at the LHC: Constraints & Prospects at the Anomalies 2019 – Indo-US Workshop at IIT Hyderabad from 18 – 20 July. The talk was based on the research works his students Swapnil Raz and Kushagra Chandak in the B.Tech in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Natural Sciences programme.
The workshop brought together experts from both theoretical and experimental sections, working on various aspects and interpretations anomalies coming from different sectors of particle physics viz; flavour physics, gauge anomaly, neutrinos and collider physics.
It provided participants a platform to discuss and come up with new ideas and perspectives in resolving the anomalies in the near future, as well as to future directions in the quest for new physics. It also provided an opportunity to explore possible interconnections of the flavour-anomalies with neutrino, dark matter and collider signals, which are essential in discovering otherwise obscure links between seemingly disparate pieces of new physics evidence.