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Anis Fatema winner at APSCON 2023

Anis Fatema, Ph.D student working under the supervision of Dr. Aftab Hussain received the Best women-owned business pitch and Best overall pitch award at the WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition and a prize money of $400 at

the  IEEE Applied Sensors Conference 2023 (IEEE APSCON 2023) held at Bengaluru on 24 January. Anis Fatema is the founder and  CEO of PiStarTech Pvt. Ltd and her startup is incubated in CIE@IIITH. She has created a Flexible Podiatry System (FlePS) Mat,  which is a digital automated foot scanning system. The highly affordable and advanced patented flexible technology provides the complete plantar pressure analysis in just 5 secs. A doctor with this technology is able to diagnose the problem, track the patient’s progress, and also prescribe customised insoles according to the orthotics. 

For more details about the competition visit: https://2023.ieee-apscon.org/wise-yp-big-idea-pitch-competition/

January 2023