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IEEE International Conference on ANTS 2020

M Madhuri Latha, (part time Ph.D) and Sai Krishna Charan Dara, (B.Tech, honours – ECE) working under the supervision of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari presented a paper on Beamformed sensing using dominant DoA in cognitive mmWave network at  IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2020) held at  Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIITD), from 14 – 17 December.

IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE forum on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. The distinguishing characteristic of IEEE ANTS is the promotion of an intense dialogue between academia and industry to bridge the gap between academic research, industry initiatives, and governmental policies. This is fostered through panel discussions, keynotes, invited talks, and industry exhibits, where academia is exposed to state-of-the-practice and results from trials and interoperability experiments. The industry, in turn, benefits from exposure to leading-edge research in networking as well as the opportunity to communicate with academic researchers regarding practical problems.

This 4-day event had several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and government sectors; panels and forums; technical sessions featuring technical papers extensively reviewed by peers; workshops focusing on the latest trends in various technology; tutorials delivered by experts in respective disciplines; exhibits; an awards luncheon; and a relaxing and entertaining banquet.

More details at: https://ants2020.ieee-comsoc-ants.org/