[month] [year]

Activities by Students Life Council (SLC)

Following are the activities and events organised by the different wings of SLC – clubs, counselling, cultural, campus life and sports committees:

March Meltdown by Music club was held on 2 April at Amphitheatre.


Cult Night

The Cultural Council organized a Cult Night, an inter-house competition showcasing the best dance performances of the year on 7 of April at Felicity Ground.

Student Parliament Elections  (2019 – 2020)

Elections to the Students’ Parliament for the year 2019 – 2020 were held on 8 April. The new General Secretary is Ankit Pant from PG 2018 and Speaker is Sunil Anumolu from UG 2017.  For the first time the General Secretary is from PG.

The members of Parliament are:

UG 2018 – Shivaan Sehgal, Jai Bardhan, Bhavyajeet Singh, Naren Akash R J and Ravi Shanker

UG 2017 – Sunil Anumolu (Speaker), Charan Chinni, Aditya Jain Pansari and Abhishek Mathur

UG 2016 – Vaishnavi Pamulapati, Moneesh Shashank, Animesh Das and Tanmai Khanna

UG 2015 (DD) – Hemanth Vemuri

PG 2018 – Ankit Pant (General Secretary), Shreya Upadhyay and Kota Guptha

Research – Vidyadhar Raju, Charan Regunta, Veera Raghavendra Ch, Tushar Vaidya, Aquib Jamal and Narendra Babu


Student Finance Council 2019-2020

Ishaan Khare and  Freya Mehta are the new members of Student Finance Council for the year 2019 – 2020.


Felicity Coordinators – UG (2019 – 2010)

Gayatri Purigilla

Shashank Gadila

Parth Goyal



Farewell function to graduating students

Farewell function to graduating students IIIT-H organized a farewell for graduating students on 13 April. Here are some memorable snapshots from the event.







Documentary on – But, What was she wearing?

The cultural wing of SLC screened a documentary film But What Was She Wearing? on 15 April, based on workplace sexual harassment. This was followed by Q/A with the director Vaishnavi Sundar.



Remembering Jallianwala Bagh massacre

A short discussion and a film screening to commemorate the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre was held on 17 April at  KCIS Faculty Meeting Room. It was a crucial reminder of an important chapter of our country’s history.