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ACM Conference on Computers and Sustainable Societies COMPASS-2020

Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy and her student Siddhartha Jain presented a paper on Good Digital Identity: The Case of Aadhaar in India at the 3rd annual ACM Conference on Computers and Sustainable Societies COMPASS from 14 – 17 June at Guayaquil, Equador.

The attempt to enroll citizens under the umbrella of effective governance is being accomplished by bringing digitization to the pedestal of identity. Their paper unfolds the story of India’s biometric based digital identity programme, Aadhaar, in fulfilling its goals of facilitating national security, financial inclusion and entitlement delivery. Using the socio-technical framework of ‘Good ID’, a user-centric approach to digital identity, they critique the intricacies of the design of Aadhaar as a bridge between citizen beneficiaries and the government and propose suggestions to forward the case of Aadhaar as ‘good’ digital ID.

COMPASS is a premier conference on IT for Social Good. COMPASS seeks to apply the research expertise in the domains of  CS, HCI and ICTD research to diverse  problems in sustainable development, spanning health, accessibility,  education, agriculture, financial services, job creation and governance.  

More details at  https://acmcompass.org/