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Students and faculty of IIITH presented the following papers virtually at the 7th Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS7) from 23 – 25 January.

Coping Strategies Determine Pandemic Distress and Propensity to Depression – Rishabh Singhal, Minaxi Goel, Runa Chand, Baijesh Ramesh, and Dr. Priyanka Srivastava

Identifying Individuals Using Instantaneous Phase Synchrony as a Dynamic Functional Connectivity Measure -Gandhi R., Garimella A., Prof. Toiviainen P., Dr. Alluri V

Cognitive Science is a rapidly growing domain of scientific enquiry in India. In order to bring this community under one umbrella, the Association for Cognitive Science (ACS) was formed in the year 2013, a few years after the Government of India, through the Department of Science and Technology started the Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI). The Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS) has been organized regularly since 2014.