The 11th edition Software Engineering Conference (ISEC) was held at IIIT Hyderabad bringing together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry across the world to share the results of their work and share cutting-edge advancements in the field of software engineering. It was organized by Dr. Raghu Reddy, Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC). The following IIITH papers were presented in the conference:
– Dr. Venkatesh Choppella, Sai Prasad Vrj Gollapudi and Sridhar Chimalakonda presented a paper titled Towards a Domain-Specific Language for the Renarration of Web Pages.
– Dr. Venkatesh Choppella, Swaminathan Natarajan, Kesav Vithal Nori, Padmalata Nistala, Amar Banerjee and Viswanath Kasturi presented a paper titled An Attempt at Explicating the Relationship between Knowledge, Systems and Engineering.