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7 December

One-day IAStructE Seminar on Revision of structural concrete codes is: 456 & IS: 1343

Department of Civil Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering GVPCE (A), Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam in association with the Earthquake Engineering Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad is organizing a one-day Seminar on “Revision of Structural Concrete Codes IS: 456 and IS : 1343”  on 7 December 2019 (Saturday) at the Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous), Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam. Three members of the Working Groups Prof. C V R Murty and Prof. Rupen Goswami, both from IIT Madras, and Prof. Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar of IIIT Hyderabad, along with Prof. P S Rao of G V P College of Engineering (A) will be reporting at the Seminar about the proposed revisions in the code.

 About the Seminar

Although the last revision of the Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete IS: 456 was released in 2000 provisions relating to structural design were unaltered from those in force since 1978. Since 1978 there has been an improved understanding of the behaviour of concrete structures, challenges faced during implementation and availability of higher grades of steels and concretes.

Also in this context, it is felt desirable to merge the codes for Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete into one unified code. The Concrete Sub-Committee CED 2.2 Panel 5 started its work to prepare a draft of the Revised IS : 456 and IS : 1343. Before the draft is finalised, it is proposed to collect formal feedback from the stakeholders.

Therefore, the Department of Civil Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous) (GVPCE (A), Visakhapatnam in association with International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH) is organizing a one-day Seminar on Revision of Structural Concrete Codes IS : 456 and IS : 1343.


About IAStructE

Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE) with Headquarters in New Delhi is a national body of Structural Engineers established with the objective to cater to the needs of Structural Engineers in India. A prominent thrust area of IAStructE is to ensure that its members have the requisite technical knowledge to render Professional Service of highest caliber to the Society.



  • Prof. Dr. Ing. P S Rao


President, Gayatri Vidya Parishad
(Formerly Professor of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras)


  • Prof. C V R Murty


Civil Engineering, IIT Madras
(Formerly Director, IIT Jodhpur)


  • Dr. Rupen Goswami


Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras


  • Prof. Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar


Professor & Head
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad
Vice-President, IAStructE