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6th Summer School on AI

August 2022

Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) conducted the 6th  Summer School Series from 18 July – 19 August. It was an exciting opportunity for those interested in diving into the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. The research training event with a global scope aimed at equipping participants with the relevant advances in the critical and fast developing area of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is poised to become one of the most revolutionary technologies of our time. Every day, we interact with intelligent systems and services in various forms, including apps on our phones, websites, and other devices. Technology never ceases to mimic the human brain and thus AI has gained a lot of interest for decades. AI is the umbrella of several breakthrough fields, machine learning is a subset of AI, wherein computer vision is also the subset of machine learning. The summer school covered a wide range of topics in Artificial Intelligence from a variety of perspectives. Renowned academics and industry pioneers gave lectures and shared their views with the audience.

The curriculum of the summer school had a series of enriching sessions conducted by leading faculty from various disciplines, bringing their diverse experiences to the topic of AI. It also had interactive talks with leading academicians in the field of AI and several experienced industry practitioners from top organizations across the world. The program was designed to create connectivity and networking among participants through peer collaboration, simulation, and engagement. There was a special focus on recent advancements in fields of AI, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

Website: http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/summerschool2022/