Five research students from Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) presented their work at 24th National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2018at IIT Hyderabad. The national conference on communications is a flagship conference of India in communications and signal processing domains. NCC is organized every year jointly by the telematics group (JTG) of IITs and IISc.
The details of the papers are:
– M. Madhuri Latha, part time Ph.D student presented a paper on Low Complexity Two-Stage Sensing Using Energy Detection and Beamforming. Prakash B. Gohain, former MS by Research student in ECE, currently doing Ph.D at KTH University, Sweden is a co-author. The work was done under the supervision of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari.
– Akhil Singh, Dual Degree student in ECD presented a paper on Cooperative Sensing of OFDM Signals Using Heterogeneous Sensors. Prakash B. Gohain, MS by Research student in ECE, currently doing Ph.D at KTH University, Sweden is a co-author. The work was done under the supervision of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari.
– D. Shiva Krishna, Ph.D student presented his paper on Maximally Recoverable Codes for Product Topologies. The work was done under the supervision of Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani.
– G. Vamsi Krishna and Ashok Choudhary, part time MS students presented two papers on Optimal Index Codes via a Duality Between Index Coding and Network Coding and Index Coding: Rank-Invariant Extensions. The work was done under the supervision of Dr. Prasad Krishnan.