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18th Academic Council Meeting 

The 18th Academic Council Meeting of IIITH was held on 12 February through  hybrid mode with the participation of its external and internal members. The formation of the School of Multidisciplinary Computing with the Dean (Academics) as its head and bringing all the academic programmes of the institute under its umbrella for improved academic management was communicated.  Ongoing and recent academic activities were updated to the committee including IIITH being awarded the A++ by the NAAC, proposed construction of a new academic building, faculty additions, academic facilities created, new courses introduced over the last two semesters, admissions, and increased usage of digital classroom.  

The committee deliberated and approved the minor updates to the curriculum of UG programmes, proposal for a new Dual Degree programme CGD (Computer Science and Geospatial Technology), creation of the Division for Flexible Learning, launch of a fully online eMSIT degree program through Coursera. 

External members included Prof. Rajat Moona, Director, IIT Gadhinagar; Prof. R N Biswas, IIT Kanpur (Retd); Prof. T P Radhakrishnan, School of Chemistry, UoH; Prof. Sundar Sarukkai, Anant National University, Ahmadabad; Prof. K R Sarma, Professor Emeritus, IIITH, and Dr. B Gopalakrishnan, Adjunct Faculty, IIITH.