International Symposium  Digital Politics in Mill...


Lasya Venneti and Dr. Aniket Alam presented a research paper on A Possible Biography of Online Outrage: Quantifying Digital Protest in India at the International Symposium  Digital Politics in Millennial India organized by Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich and IIIT Delhi

DST – PAMC, Review Meeting


Prof. P. J. Narayanan attended the  review meeting of Department of Science and Technology - Project Advisory and Monitoring Committee (DST - PAMC) at  IIT Delhi on 13 March.

WACV 2018


IIIT-H students Abhishek Jha, Gaurav Mishra, Ameya Pandurang Prabhu and Anurag Ghosh attended the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2018 (WACV 2018), during 12 - 15 March  at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.

TEDx Mumbai – Dharavi


Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy  gave a talk on Mental Kartha Hai or  I am mind-Blown - A Christmas story of 4G as Gateway in Urban Slums at TEDx Mumbai - Dharavi on 11 March. The talk is part of Dr. Rangaswamy’s



Battu Varshit,Venkat Vishal Batchu, Mohana Murali, Krishna Reddy Dakannagari and Radhika Mamidi published a paper on Sentiment as a prior for movie rating prediction at the 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Artificial Intelligence (ICIAI-2018) during 9 - 12 March, in

Two-day workshop on ML, AI, NLP, Robotics and Vide...


A two-day workshop on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Robotics and Video Analytics and its applications in the industry was organized for technology leaders, engineering heads, CxOs, delivery leaders, site leaders and start-up founders by the Machine Learning