International Joint Conferences on Artificial Inte...


The following papers were presented at the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2018), Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden during 13 - 19 July: Akshat tandon, M.S Dual Degree, Computer Science working under the supervision of Prof.  Kamalakar Karlapalem, Data Sciences and

International Conference on Autonomous Agents and ...


The following papers were presented at the AAMAS 2018 - International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems during 10 - 15 July at Stockholm, Sweden. Akshat Tandon, M.S Dual Degree, Computer Science working under the supervision of  Prof. Kamalakar

AIT2018: the IX Conference of the Italian Society ...


The following papers were presented at AIT2018 - the IX Conference of the Italian Society of Remote Sensing, Florence,Italy during 4 - 6 July: M Vani working under the supervision of Dr. Ramachandra Prasad P, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC),

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), 15th Annu...


Sireesha Naidu Galla, a Computer Science dual degree student working with Dr. Shaik Rehana in the Lab for Spatial Informatics(LSI) presented two papers on  A Comparative Analysis of Regional Drought Characterization over Krishna River Basin in India Using Potential and Actual

Computer Architecture Summer School (CASS 2018)


Dr. Lavanya Ramapantulu, Computer Systems Group (CSG), co-organized Computer Architecture Summer School (CASS 2018) from 2 - 6 July at IIT Kanpur. The Summer School provided an introduction on Computer Architecture and related areas to undergraduate students who have undergone

2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference: VT...


Zakir Hussain Shaik,  MS by Research student working under the supervision of Dr. P Ubaidulla, Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) attended a conference in Porto, Portugal during 3 - 6 June. He presented two papers: - Sum-Rate Maximization