European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV-2018)...
IIIT-Hyderabad students and faculty presented the following papers at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV-2018), Munich, Germany from 8 - 14 September: Ameya Prabhu, Girish Varma and Anoop Namboodiri - Deep Expander Networks: Efficient Deep Networks from Graph Theory
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV-2018)
Prof. Jawahar participated in the 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV-2018), Area Chair meeting, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore from 19 - 21 September.
Digitality and Communication: The Cultural Logic o...
Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy gave a talk on Dynamism of AI driven work automation skill development oriented towards IT jobs - A context Ethnography at The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad on 7 September. Since the 1990s, Indian software firms
International Conference on Advances in Computing,...
Dr. Ashok Kumar Das participated in the 7th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2018 held from 19 - 22 September at PES Institute of Technology, South Campus, Bangalore. ICACCI'18 addressed key topics and issues related
Workshop on Microsoft Research Redefined
IIIT-Hyderabad hosted a workshop on Microsoft Research Redefined on 25 September. The workshop was organized by Microsoft Corporation Ltd.
HyWIT 2018: Hyderabad Workshop on Information Theo...
IIIT Hyderabad hosted the HyWIT 2018: Hyderabad Workshop on Information Theory from 15 - 22 September. Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, an invited speaker gave a talk on Basics of OFDM and its Detection. Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani and Dr. Prasad Krishnan were