Best Paper Runners-up Award at AIML Systems


Research on ILAEDA: An Imitation Learning Based Approach for Automatic Exploratory Data Analysis by Dr. Naresh Manwani and his student Abhijit Manatkar was awarded the Best Paper Runners-up Award in the Research Track category at AIML Systems 2024 held at

IIITH students win 5G and 6G hackathon


Remote Labs project team - Akshit Gureja (UG5 ECD), Vedant Nipane (UG4 ECE),  Nagesh Walchatwar (MS 1st year) and Devansh Kantesaria (UG3 ECD) working with Dr. Sachin Chaudhari have won first prize at the Hyderabad regionals of the 5G and

Mukesh Kumar


Mukesh Kumar supervised by Dr. Syed Azeemuddin received his doctorate in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Design and analysis of multi-channel incoherent beam combination system: High-power lasers are essential for various commercial,

Sushil R U wins Silver at IOI & Gold at APIO


Sushil Raaja Umasudhan has won a silver medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI-2024) held in Alexandria, Egypt from 1 to 8 September and in IOI-2023 which was held in Hungary, he won a bronze medal. The International Olympiad

Saurabh Saini


Saurabh Saini supervised by Prof. P J Narayanan received  his doctorate in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a  summary of his research work on Image Factorization for Inverse Rendering:  nverse Rendering is a core Computer Vision problem as it

ihub-data Ph.D fellowships


IIITH ihub-data Ph.D fellowships were given to the following students:   August 2024