Semiconductor Science and Technology


Research work on Proteretic device: modelling and implementation in electronics and optical domain by Dr. Syed Azeemuddin and his students Salma Khan and Mohammed Arifuddin Sohel was published in an international journal titled Semiconductor Science and Technology. Research work as

Feminist Theory


Feminist Theory    Research article on Controlled empowerment of women: intersections of feminism, HCI and political communication in India authored by Prof. Nimmi Rangaswamy and Isha Mangurkar, a PhD Student in the School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, University

Psychology of Music


Dr. Vinoo Alluri and her student Azhagammal SC published a paper on Maladaptive music listening strategies are modulated by individual traits in Psychology of Music. The other authors of this paper are Mittal A, Vehant Technologies, Noida; Vuoskoski JK, University

Physical Review A


Dr. Siddhartha Das published a paper on Fundamental limitations on the device-independent quantum conference key agreement in Physical Review A journal. The other authors of this paper are Karol Horodecki, University of Gdańsk and   Marek Winczewski, University of Gdańsk.  Research work as explained by

IEEE IoT Magazine


Dr. Ashok Kumar Das and his students Prithwi Bagchi, Basudeb Bera, Sachin Shetty, Pandi Vijayakumar and Marimuthu Karuppiah published a paper on Post Quantum Lattice-Based Secure Framework using Aggregate Signature for Ambient Intelligence Assisted Blockchain-Based IoT Applications in Internet of

Scientific Reports


Dr. Vinoo Alluri and her student Yudhik Agarwal published a paper on Decoding Individual differences and musical preference via music-induced movement in the journal Scientific Reports. The other authors of this paper are Emily Carlson and  Petri Toiviainen, University of