E-Cell’s Startup Aid


E-Cell recently started a new initiative called Startup Aid to increase and promote the startup culture on campus. In the past years, IIIT-H has had successful startups like Commut and DreamVu. To promote startups from IIIT-H students the entrepreneurship cell

US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) Team Visit...


As part of United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF)’s Fullbright Scholars Programme, 14 international education administrators from universities in the US visited IIIT-H on 20 March to explore research opportunities, collaborations and exchange programmes. These administrators were mostly decision makers in

Delegates from Yonsei University visit IIIT-H


A team from Yonsei University, Korea, comprising of  Prof. Yong-Hak Kim, President; Prof. Kyung Tae Lee, Senior Vice President for International Campus; Prof. Dong No Kim, Vice President for University Development Strategies; Prof. Doowon Lee, Vice President for International Affairs

International delegates from MANAGE visit IIIT-H


An international training program on Computer Applications in Agriculture under Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Program was organised during at National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad. Twenty three delegates representing Ministry of Agriculture and Allied Departments, Agricultural

Inauguration of OJAS MedTech Bio-NEST


CIE@IIIT-Hyderabad  launched Ojas MedTech Bio-NEST, supported by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), and Government of Telangana to nurture start-ups building technology-enabled healthcare solutions. Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Secretary, Information Technology (IT), Government of Telangana inaugurated the facility at CIE@IIIT-H in

IIIT Hyderabad signs MOU with Airports Authority o...


IIIT Hyderabad signed an MOU with Airports Authority of  India (AAI) to assist with their research and development in aviation infrastructure. Some of the broad areas of collaboration will include geospatial technologies, environmental monitoring and modeling, design & development of