Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao has joined Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) as Assistant Professor. He obtained his Ph.D from IIT Roorkee. His research areas include seismic safety assessment of masonry buildings, seismic design of masonry buildings, strengthening and

Dr. Chiranjeevi Yarra


Dr. Chiranjeevi Yarra has joined Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) - Speech Processing Lab as Assistant Professor. He obtained his Ph.D from IISc Bangalore. His research areas include speech signal processing, machine learning, digital signal processing and time-varying signal analysis.

Dr. Nazia Akhtar


Dr. Nazia Akhtar has joined the Human Sciences Research Group (HSRG)  as Assistant Professor. She obtained her Ph.D from University of Western Ontario, Canada. Her research areas include literature and history of Hyderabad, partition studies, women's writings and comparative literature. 

Dr. Ankit Gangwal


Dr. Ankit Gangwal has joined Center for Security, Theory and Algorithms (CSTAR) as Assistant Professor. He obtained his Ph.D from University of Padua, Italy. His research areas include  blockchain, cryptography, privacy, and security.    

Dr. Praful Mankar


Dr. Praful Mankar has joined Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) as Assistant Professor. His research areas include Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks using Stochastic Geometry.  

New staff members


Aditya Kumar Rana  Aditya Kumar Rana, joined as  Programme Coordinator, Executive & Industry Outreach. Pranabandhu Nayak  Pranabandhu Nayak, joined as Programme Coordinator for Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems (KCIS). Jagadeesh V  Jagadeesh V,  joined as Junior Engineer. He will be