Dr. Praneeth Netrapalli
Dr. Praneeth Netrapalli, Research Scientist at Google Research India, Bangalore gave a talk on Mitigating Simplicity Bias in Deep Learning on 29 August. Here is the summary of Dr. Praneeth Netrapalli in his own words: While deep neural networks have achieved
Prof. Preslav Nakov
Prof. Preslav Nakov, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) gave a talk on Fighting the Global Social Media Infodemic: from Fake News to Harmful Content on 23 February at KRB Auditorium. Summary of the talk in Prof. Preslav
Prof. T E S Raghavan
Prof. T E S Raghavan, Professor of Emeritus, University of Illinois, Chicago, gave a talk on A note on Linear Complementarity via zero sum two person games on 17 February. A summary of Prof. Raghavan’s talk: The matrix M of
Ravishankar Kolachana
Mr. Ravishankar Kolachana, Director Engineering, Qualcomm gave the third talk of the three-talk series on Domain-Specific Languages to Program Image Processing and ML/DL on 11 February. Here is the summary of Mr. Ravishankar Kolachana’s talk on Halide: Programming language for
Abhikrant Sharma
Mr. Abhikrant Sharma, Staff Engineer, Qualcomm gave the second talk of the three-talk series on Domain-Specific Languages to Program Image Processing and ML/DL on 8 February. Here is the summary of Mr. Abhikrant Sharma’s talk on Hexagon DSP Architecture Overview: