Prof. P Krishna Reddy
Prof. P Krishna Reddy gave the following lectures: Talk on Role of Big Data in Agriculture-Build AI-based Systems to Improve Efficiency of Every Farm on 16 May at a session on Data-Driven Technology Solutions for Agriculture: latest research and development
Dr. Rehana Shaik
Dr. Rehana Shaik gave a keynote talk on climate change impacts on river water quantity and quality on 24 March at the two day all India seminar on Water Conservation Technologies – A way forward for water related Sustainable Development
Dr. Rama Chandra Pillutla
Dr Rama Chandra Pillutla gave a talk on Understanding the Nexus between Blue Green Infrastructure and Anthropogenic Activities at the IEEE GRSS Summer School 2023, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Hyderabad Section on the theme Digital Agricultural Technologies
Prof. Arun K Pati
Prof. Arun K Pati gave a keynote talk on Quantum Speed Limit for States and Observables at the Plenary Session of the International Conference on Quantum Computing and Communications (QCC-2023) held from 9 - 11 February at Baba Farid Group
Dr. Siddhartha Das
Dr. Siddhartha Das gave a talk at the Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati on Quantum communication over a network on 22 February. Here is the summary of the talk in Dr. Siddartha Das’s words: We will discuss some of the
Dr. Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
Dr. Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla gave an inaugural day talk on Deep Neural Networks for Part-based Object and Scene Representations at a workshop on Brain, Computation, and Learning (BCL-2023) held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) from 9 - 13