Dr. Chakrabarty Editorial Board Member of JQIS 


Dr. Indranil Chakrabarty has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Board of  Journal of Quantum Information Science (JQIS). https://www.scirp.org/journal/editorialboard.aspx?journalid=591 The field of Quantum Information Science is the most challenging and hot topic among all branches of science. This

Dr. Ramachandra Prasad


Dr. Ramachandra Prasad, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) and Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI) has been  promoted as Associate Professor. His research areas are application of geospatial tools in – forest ecosystem, island ecology, climate change, land use - land

Dr. Deva Priyakumar 


Dr. Deva Priyakumar, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) has been promoted as Professor.  His research areas are computational chemistry to study chemical molecules and reaction mechanisms, biomolecular simulations to investigate DNA, RNA, proteins and protein interactions and

Prof. P K Reddy member of DBT Expert Committee 


The Department of Biotechnology (DBT)  has appointed Prof. P Krishna Reddy  as member  of an Expert Committee for Evaluation/Review of multilateral R&D proposals submitted under joint call between DBT and EUREKA in the area of  Key Enabling Technologies for Healthcare,

Dr. Kothapalli made Associate Editor of ACM TOPC


Dr. Kishore Kothapalli has been appointed as Associate Editor of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) by David Bader, Editor-in-Chief, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA for a period of three years.   Parallel computing

Prof. Srivastava elevated to IEEE Senior Member


Prof. Abhishek Srivastava  has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member. The senior membership is an honor bestowed only to those who have made significant contributions in their designated fields. Less than 10% of the total IEEE membership