Ponnurangam Kumaraguru in LNMIIT Academic Council


Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru has been inducted into the Academic Council (aka Senate, highest academic body of an institution) of The LNM Institute of Information Technology (LNMIIT). The Academic Council (AC) of LNMIIT is the principal academic body of the institution

Chiranjeevi Yarra awarded Prof. D J Badkas Medal ...


Dr. Chiranjeevi Yarra has been awarded with Prof. D J Badkas Medal for the academic year 2019 - 2020 by the council of the institute for his best performance in Ph.D at IISc Bangalore during the online convocation held on

Prof. Pradeep K Ramancharla member of BSSC


Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla has been appointed as a member of the Bridge Specifications and Standards Committee (BSSC) of the Indian Road Congress. This is an apex body that looks after specifications of bridge design, construction, maintenance, etc of all

Prof. Garg elected AEEE executive council member


Prof. Vishal Garg has been elected as a member of the executive council of Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), one of the leading organizations in India that works on creating awareness about energy efficiency as a resource. It

Young Engineer of the Year Award 2021 


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao was awarded the "Young Engineer of the Year Award-2021" by Institution of Engineers (India) on 15 September 2021 for providing new insights into different retrofitting techniques using low-cost and innovative composite materials for the

Dr. P P K V Rao elected Member of IAStructE


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, has been elected as a Member of the Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE). The Indian Association of Structural Engineers, identified as IAStructE, was conceptualized and constituted in 2002 by a group of senior