U.S Patent Granted 


Dr. Raghu Reddy and his students Neeraj Mathur and Sai Anirudh Karre  have been granted a U.S Patent for their research work on System and method for evaluating and facilitating customized guidelines using usability code pattern analysis.  About the patent

Prof. C V Jawahar receives OCCE-2021 Award


Prof. C V Jawahar receives the ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education (OCCE) Award for 2021. OCCE award selection is made by a committee comprising eminent international personalities. The ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education Award recognizes individuals

Nimmi Rangaswamy 


Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal Communication, Culture and Critique. Published by the International Communication Association (ICA) and Oxford University Press, Communication, Culture and Critique (CCC) is devoted to critical scholarship on

P Krishna Reddy 


Prof. P Krishna Reddy has been appointed as a member of  jury committee, CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2021. Special Interest Group on e-Governance (CSI-SIGeGov) has been set up within CSI to focus on e-Governance activities in the country. SIG activities

Ashok Kumar Das


Dr. Ashok Kumar Das is in the 10,000 Club of Google Scholar Citations. His Google Scholar h-index is 59 and i10-index is 171 with over 10,000 citations. Google Scholar Citations lets authors set up a profile page that lists their

Deva Priyakumar receives CRI Bronze Medal-2021


Prof. Deva Priyakumar received the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Bronze Medal from the president of CSRI at the 27th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry organized by Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata from 26 -