30 April – 4 May
Accelerator Design Hackathon - 2018 IIIT-H is organizing a Accelerator Design Hackathon thats open to all full-time students from any recognized educational institute in India. For more details visit: http://csg.iiit.ac.in/adh2018
14 April
UTSAH Meetup on - IOT Protocols Speakers Dr. Sachin Chaudhari -- Assistant Professor,SPCRC, IIITH PVS Maruti Rao -- MD & CEO , Vidcentum. Narendra Kumar Sivalenka -- Senior Manager, IOT , CYIENT.
10 April
The last leaf and other stories - A drama performance by students will showcase 3 different stories written by O. Henry and directed by Supriya Shukla and Sandeep Yadav.
7 May – 7 June
Student Technology Education Program (STEP), annual School Outreach Program of IIIT-Hyderabad for students from classes 7 - 10
31 March
Microsoft's annual - code.fun.do hackathon - Senior League competition is open to all registered students of IIIT Hyderabad, from UG (2nd year onwards), PG and Ph.D.