4 – 8 July
Engineering Hackathon the Eye conducted by L. V. Prasad Eye Institute For details visit: http://lvpmitra.com/
7 July
One Day Workshop on Impact of Revised Provisions of IS 1893 (1): 2016 on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings One Day Workshop aims to bring together all stakeholders of design practice and construction industry, to discuss and brainstorm methods to
7 July
CIE Road Shows at Bengaluru and Hyderabad CIE@IIITH, India’s largest academic incubator will have a roadshows in Bengaluru and Hyderabad to give the startups in Bengaluru and Hyderabad an opportunity to pitch their Deep Tech idea for Avishkar and MedTech
7 July
UTSAH Meetup on AI in Medicine Utsah is a monthly meetup programme with talks on trending topics in deep technology held every first Saturday. Targeting startups and innovation UTSAH Meetup has an audience of 50 -100 people. Each month CIE
9 – 14 July
Third Summer School on Machine Learning, Advances in Modern AI For details visit: http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/mlsummerschool2018/index.html
11 July
KCIS Lecture by Prof. Joydeep Ghosh, University of Texas, Austin Kohli Center on Intelligent System (KCIS) Lecture on AI/ML for Personalized Healthcare: Attaining "segments of one" from Electronic Health Records by Prof. Joydeep Ghosh, Schlumberger Centennial Chair Professor of Electrical