SBI Opens lounge for startups at IIIT Hyderabad


State Bank of India opened a lounge on IIIT Hyderabad campus for startups on 1 July as part of an engagement it wants to cement with the vibrant eco-system, one that will see the country’s largest lender hand-hold and evaluate

International Yoga Day


IIIT-H  in collaboration with the institute’s NSS unit celebrated International Yoga Day on 21 June at Nirvana, the NBH yoga hall. The programme began with Laghu Shankhaprakshalana followed by simple yogic techniques, relaxation techniques, laughter yoga and sharing of knowledge

Power Yoga Workshop


A workshop on Power Yoga was conducted from 30 April - 9 May at Nirvana - Yoga Hall. Power yoga is a fitness- based practice where movements between poses are accompanied by regulated breathing to increase stamina,  strength and flexibility.

Ugadi and Food Festival, Cooking by students


As part of Ugadi celebrations a  food fest of popular recipes across the country were prepared by eight student teams and shared with all campus residents at Felicity ground on the evening of 6 April. A few teams were selected

Two day workshop on Pranayam and Mudra


A two day workshop on Pranayam and Mudra was conducted on 9 and 10 April at Nirvana - NBH Yoga Hall. During the workshop various breathing techniques like  Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Surya Anulom Vilom, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Anulom Vilom, Chandra Bhedi,

Activities by Students Life Council (SLC)


Following are the activities and events organised by the different wings of SLC - clubs, counselling, cultural, campus life and sports committees: March Meltdown by Music club was held on 2 April at Amphitheatre.   Cult Night The Cultural Council