Student Parliament
The Parliament is a self-less student body that strives to resolve issues faced by IIITH students and make the campus community stronger, safer, and better. The parliament for this year has been elected with Shivaan Seghal as the General Secretary,
Basics of Yoga
Mr. Nagaraju, Physical Education instructor, shared a video of 20 basic yoga poses for beginners and seniors at home for better health and fitness during the pandemic times. Video link:
IIITH joins NDLI club
IIIT Hyderabad joined the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) club developed by IIT Kharagpur and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. NDLI Club is an enabler of career progression for students, job seekers, researchers and learners.
Fitness for Good Life
Nagaraju, Physical Education instructor presented warm up and stretching exercises for the benefit of IIITH faculty staff and students to be practised during these stay at home Covid times. Link to the video:
International Yoga Day Celebrations
Sports and yoga committee and NSS-IIIT Hyderabad jointly organised the 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY-2021) on 21 June on the theme Be with Yoga, Be at Home! International yoga therapist Shanmukha Shiva Chandra conducted the sessions on sukshma vyayama