Haritha Haram  – Tree Plantation Drive


August 2022 Campus Services & Beautification Committee (CSBC) and NSS at IIITH organized Haritha Haram - Tree Plantation Drive on 6 and 10 August near E - Block, new quarters. Nearly 400 trees were planted. The 10 August plantation drive

National Librarian’s Day


August 2022 To mark National Librarian’s Day, IIITH library organized a book exhibition for the campus community from 12 - 14 August at KRB Exhibition Hall by leading publishers and book distributors that included a wide collection of International and

76th Independence Day celebrations


August 2022 On 15 August, IIIT Hyderabad celebrated 75 years of  India’s Independence. Due to rain, flag hoisting by Prof. P J Narayanan and singing of the national anthem were held at  KRB main entrance while all the other events

Celebrating Prof. Rajeev Sangal


July 2022 IIIT Hyderabad conducted a two-day special event - Celebrating Rajeev Sangal on 5 and 6 July at the IIITH campus.  Prof. Rajeev Sangal was the first full time director of IIITH. He has been the guiding force behind

Falling Walls now in Hyderabad


July 2022 On 20 August, IIITH is hosting the international Falling Walls Lab which is a world-class pitch competition for students across disciplines and early-career professionals. The most innovative idea - research project, business plan, or social initiative - will

Shri K T Rama Rao launches 3 projects


July 2022 Shri K T Rama Rao  launched project iRASTE TELANGANA, BODHYAAN car platform, and MicroLabs at IIIT Hyderabad.           INAI (Applied AI Research Centre) and IHub-Data (TIH and NM-ICPS) at IIIT Hyderabad   have been