IIITH’s RVS Report to Assist NDMA


In a move that is significantly useful to engineers, town planners, city and government officials as well as academia, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad in association with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) of India recently unveiled a primer on

How To Better Online Teaching?


With the large scale adoption of virtual learning, Prof. Vishal Garg takes a look at it from the teachers’ point of view. Through useful tips and pointers on making it a wholesome experience, he reveals how it’s much more than

RF Biosensors For Pathological Testing


Researchers at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad have conducted an experimental study of radio frequency-based sensing of antigens that has potential impact on the current widespread use of chemical-based diagnostic testing.  An early diagnosis and subsequent treatment of

CovidWire – Verified News Snippets In The (M...


When students joined hands to beat misinformation about the pandemic, CovidWire.in was born. Here's how they’ve simplified information consumption even for non-native speakers of English.  When Raghavendra R, 68, read an online article of a study with a headline suggesting

CVIT Researchers’ Submission in MOT 2020 Ranks N...


In June 2020, when two student researchers from the Centre for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) turned in their entry to the Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) challenge, the submission gained them the first rank in the famously challenging problem. Here’s a

VR Dating Ups Chances of Real Life Hook-Ups, Finds...


The Indian match-making scene has gotten severely disrupted thanks to the advent of technology. Now, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad have attempted to analyse the effects of virtual reality (VR) on dating