Navya Khare – Condensed matter systems


October 2022 Navya Khare received her MS Dual Degree in Computational Natural Sciences. Her   research work was supervised by Dr. Prabhakar Bhimalapuram. Here’s a summary of her research work on Towards efficient exploration of complete relevant phase space: Combined Classification

Athreya – Percolation Centrality


October 2022 Chandramouli Athreya received his MS Dual Degree in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Prof. Kishore Kothapalli.  Here’s a summary of his research work on Efficient Parallel and Approximation Algorithms for Percolation Centrality:

Prof. Pradeep K R Heads CBRI, Roorkee


October 2022 Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla is the new Director of  Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) at Roorkee. His appointment there is for 6 years.  The Central Building Research institute, Roorkee, India, has been vested with the responsibility of generating,

U.S Patent Granted


October 2022 Research of Dr. Y Raghu Reddy, Prof. Vasudeva Varma and Lalit Mohan S on Information security search engine, has  been granted a U.S Patent. The title of their invention is System and Method for Retrieving and Extracting Security

Dr. P Pravin K V Rao


October 2022 Dr. P Pravin K V Rao has been selected for ISET D K Paul Research Award for best Ph.D thesis  in Earthquake Risk Reduction in India for the year 2022. The award is given once in 4 years

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das


October 2022 Dr. Ashok Kumar Das has been included in the 14,000 Club of Google Scholar Citations. He has over 14,000 citations with an impressive h-index: 70 and i10-index: 203. More details at: Dr. Das has also been included