Awards to Anis Fatema at APSCON-2024


Anis Fatema, PhD student of Dr. Aftab M Hussain won second prize in Young Professionals (YP) session and another second prize in the Student Research Forum Award for Fabrication of Flexible Pressure Sensor Systems for Biomedical Applications  at the  IEEE

Outstanding Paper Award At AAAI 2024


IIITH researchers in collaboration with CNRS prove theoretical guarantees on proportionality to ensure fairness in decision-making processes such as hiring in academia, granting bail and so on. If the backlash that Gemini AI faced over its obvious biases is any

Prof N Rangaswamy – Advisory Board Chair


Having served as member of the Advisory Board to the UNU Institute in Macau since 2019, Prof. Nimmi Rangaswamy has been elevated to the Chair of the Board effective January 2024.  Prof. Nimmi Rangaswamy calls herself a social anthropologist first

Rashmi K – Dialectal speech recognition


Rashmi Kethireddy, supervised by Dr. Suryakanth V G received  her doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of her research work on Dialect classification and its application to dialectal speech recognition: Major goal of this thesis is

Prof. A K Das Associate Editor


Prof. Ashok Kumar Das has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the prestigious flagship journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. IEEE T-IFS ranks #2 in the list of top venues (conference & journals) in Computer Security &

Basketball girls team – runner-up at Mahindr...


Basketball team - girls were runners-up at the intercollegiate tournament held at Mahindra university, Hyderabad from 15 to 17 February. The team members were Sriya Venepally, Pranali Jagdale, Anuhya Nallapati, Saumya Balina, Aishita Marri, Srujana Vanka, Bollimuntha Shreya and Prajna