Natya Like A Man!


At first glance, 20-year-old ECD student Supreeth Karan can pass off as yet another nerd on campus, especially when he explains his unshaven, unkempt looks as an ‘offering’ for having been accepted at the Google Summer of Code. However, this

How This Frenchman Came About An Internship Chez N...


It’s been raining international interns at IIITH lately. This time, we tracked down Marius Dufraisse for a tête-à-tête. Did you know he has quietly been working at the Machine Learning Lab for over 5 months? Well, now you do! ‘An

IIITH Researcher Wins Qualcomm Innovation Fellowsh...


Divija Shwetha Gadiraju from the Signal Processing and Communication Research Centre was among 10 other winners chosen from a select list of Indian universities who received a 10 lakh financial award. On July 4th, 24-year-old PhD student from the Signal

IIIT-H Researcher Presents Paper at Symposium on A...


The ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing recently held it’s 34th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) at Limassol, Cyprus. Part-Time PhD student Sai Anirudh Karre who is working under Prof. Y. Raghu Reddy presented his paper in the "software

Nishtha Pandey Comes Full Circle


Going ‘back to school’ in your 30s requires a great deal of commitment and a certain je ne sais quoi. Juggling the demands of a student life along with those of a family can probably put a circus performer to

IIIT-H Student Sreeja Kamishetty Wins Memorial Sch...


21-year-old Sreeja Kamishetty’s self-confessed “passion for all things Google” has led to her keenly following all opportunity updates from the multinational tech giant, be it scholarships, resources or internships. The last time she was featured here was when she was