Nishtha Pandey Comes Full Circle


Going ‘back to school’ in your 30s requires a great deal of commitment and a certain je ne sais quoi. Juggling the demands of a student life along with those of a family can probably put a circus performer to

The MedTech Ecosystem In Hyderabad Has A New Addre...


The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at IIIT-H continues its decennial celebratory streak with the inauguration of a specialized incubator for medtech startups. With its well-lit working spaces and open design, the incubator is aptly titled Ojas - the

IIIT-H Student Sreeja Kamishetty Wins Memorial Sch...


21-year-old Sreeja Kamishetty’s self-confessed “passion for all things Google” has led to her keenly following all opportunity updates from the multinational tech giant, be it scholarships, resources or internships. The last time she was featured here was when she was

Vinay Singh On The Sporting Habit He’ll Never Ki...


IIITH-ians have learned not to bat an eyelid at the sight of Vinay Singh scorching the campus roads at 12 in the night. For this 24-year-old captain of the football club, it is a way of unwinding. In a free-wheeling

Busting The Dual Degree Course Myths


For all ye fence-sitters who are debating the merits or otherwise of the Dual Degree programme, before you head to online forums in search of answers, find out what it takes. Straight from the horse’s mouth. In conversation with B.Tech,

AI in Sports: How IIIT-H’s Research Is Making In...


Staying true to its motto of ‘From Lab to Land’, the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad’s Product Labs has successfully developed and tested a viable market prototype of badminton analytics developed at its Center for Visual Information Technology. A