The Forced Summer Without Pants And What It Means ...
The global outbreak of the novel CoronaVirus has affected not just the way we live but also redefined work as we know it. While social distancing and self-quarantining have become the de-facto manner of living for now, the forced work-from-home
The Grande Dame of IIIT Hyderabad
They say a workspace says a lot about one’s personality. Going by that, it’s a no-brainer to find a nature lover, a patron of handicrafts, a wanderluster and an immensely hospitable person in Prof. Dipti Misra Sharma, head of the
IIITH Student Tanashree Jaganade Wins Best Poster ...
Tanashree Jaganade, Ph.D student of Bioinformatics won the Best Poster Award as well as a Bursary Award as a fellowship at Australasia’s premier molecular modelling conference, organized by the Association of Molecular Modellers of Australasia (AMMA). More details below. All
IIIT Hyderabad Highlights Need For Social Distanci...
While all early cases of Covid-19 in India were related to those with travel history to affected countries, reports of newer cases where there has been no travel history are putting the spotlight on community transmission. A simulated study by
IIITH Researchers Win Patent For Method That Lets ...
Result of R&D Collaboration With Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory If you’re the kind who can be found swaddled with 2-3 layers of clothing and shivering away at your workplace while your co-worker is visibly sweating, then this one is for