Aditi Mukherjee – How a Linguist is bringing...
Prof. Aditi Mukherjee, a sociolinguist, is teaching Linguistics to IT students about how language works. After a long career in pure humanities, she has reinvented herself and now takes a course in computational linguistics at IIITH’s LTRC lab. Here’s the
Building A Collaborative Future With Quantum Compu...
The International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad’s newest Centre for Quantum Science and Technology is the first of its kind in India. It aims to uniquely contribute to the Quantum tech space by combining it with the domains of Science
IIITH Contributes To One-Of-Its-Kind Dataset on Fi...
IIITH is the only Indian institute in the global consortium of 13 universities and labs participating in Facebook AI’s ambitious Ego4D project that promises to enable experiences straight out of sci-fi. The “have-I-added-salt-or-not?’ memory lapse while cooking is all too
Intelligent Technology to Help India Leapfrog that...
There’s good news in the pipeline for India’s rural healthcare system. A roundtable on ‘Technology to address the last mile in Healthcare’, hosted by IIITH’s Raj Reddy Centre for Technology & Society, grappled with challenges in the rural Medicare system
A Smart Space For Exploring Urban City Solutions ...
Modern technology impacts life. But to witness its deployment first-hand for improving the quality of urban life, a tour of the Smart City Living Lab situated at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) is warranted. With recent alarming
A Course That Straddles Engineering And Management...
If you are an early or mid-career IT professional looking to know more about product management or someone toying with the idea of a start-up, here’s a thoughtfully curated postgraduate degree program for you! A product or solution that ticks