AI Can Transform Law Only Through Collaborative Ef...


A roundtable conference on the impact of AI in the legal domain was organised jointly by IIITH and NALSAR University of Law. Like all other domains, the legal industry too has recognised the importance of artificial intelligence. The world over,

IIITH Throws Open Direct Door For Liberal Arts Asp...


Class 12 Humanities students with high Mathematics scores can apply directly to a Dual Degree programme bypassing the traditional JEE.   For long, high school students aspiring for a higher education had to face a difficult and rigid trade-off between the

Leading Quantum Physicist Unlocks Secrets of Subat...


Top Indian physicist and Head of IIITH’s Center for Quantum Science and Technology (CQST), Prof. Arun Kumar Pati features among the world’s  visionaries who are driving research in the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information and quantum computers. Google the

Guns, Sharks and Quora


What do the prices of marijuana have to do with instances of gun violence in America? Is there a distinct pattern of investment by sharks and by industry type in the Indian reality show? Do controversies benefit box office collections

Carnatic Vocalist T K Saroja Explores How Music Ca...


Renowned Carnatic vocalist T K Saroja and the team at IIITH’s Center for Exact Humanities are looking into Music and the Arts as a catalyst for improved mathematical prowess and to aggrandize imaginative skills. We learn more. Dr. T K

Spotlight On 2-Wheeler Safety Tech; IIITH invites ...


Two-wheeler safety technology has not kept pace with the strides made in the 4-wheeler segment. Here’s the first attempt to bridge the gap.   Time was when new-age safety features in cars were limited to the high-end 4-wheeler segment. Today, ADAS