Priya Radhakrishnan – Back-to-School and How...
They say inspiration can strike at the most unexpected of times. For Priya, it couldn’t have been more opportune. She was a software engineer, an overwhelmed new mother, exhausted and on the verge of giving up her technical aspirations. That
TooWeakTooSlow in ACM-ICPC Finals
Participating in and representing India in the finals of World programming contests is second nature for the students at IIIT-Hyderabad. This year has been no exception with the team TooWeakTooSlow topping the regional finals of the ACM-ICPC (Association of Computing
Sneha Jain Bags prestigious internship at Berkeley...
Sneha Jain, who is currently pursuing her Masters in Building Science Research at IIIT-Hyderabad has been awarded an internship that will allow her to work at the prestigious Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), USA for six months. The Building
Art at IIIT-Hyderabad: More Than Just A Hobby
Painted benches. Murals. Sculptures. Installations and more. If you thought all this had to do with IIIT-Hyderabad’s annual cultural fest, Felicity, or was related to an event on campus, you couldn’t be more wrong. Turns out it's all in a
Saumya Rawat – The Sky’s The Limit For...
A cursory search about IIIT-Hyderabad on Quora reveals that the most frequently asked questions from aspirants deal with the distinction between IIITH and “other Indian institutes”. And one of the most upvoted answers is the unprecedented opportunity given to undergraduate