
Dr. Suryajith Chillara, an Assistant Professor with IIIT Hyderabad’s Center for Security, Theory and Algorithmic Research (CSTAR), is grappling with one of the many problems that have foxed the computational theoretical community from the time of Alan Turing.  His research


The Integrated Circuits inspired by Wireless and Biomedical Electronic Systems (IC~WiBES) lab at Centre for VLSI and Embedded Systems Technologies (CVEST), IIITH is having its moment in the sun with a historic chip tape out as well as its selection


India may well have 22 scheduled languages but the fact remains that English continues to be the number one aspirational language. Scientists at IIITH unveil a tool that may help aspirants in their quest for proficiency in the spoken tongue. 


IIITH alumnus Vamshi Ambati considers himself fortunate to have worked closely with AI titan Prof. Raj Reddy at Carnegie Mellon and seen the early days of IIITH. The Founder of US-based PredEra, an AI product and solutions company, talks about


Technical acumen, strategic thinking and leadership qualities. IHub-Data CTO Dr. Veera Ganesh Yalla makes it patently clear he possesses all these while revealing that he’s quintessentially a family man at heart.  When Ganesh Yalla set out to embark on what


Imagine detecting heart rates and breath rates of multiple patients simultaneously. And then again imagine doing it in a non-invasive manner. A novel radar-based mass monitoring system was proposed by undergraduate IIITH researcher Jewel Benny helping him bag the CHANAKYA