Speech Processing Courses in Crete


Sai Sirisha Rallabandi attended 2018 Speech Processing Courses in Crete (SPCC-2018),  University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece from 23 - 27 July.

VC and Director’s Conference on Research & ...


Prof. P J Narayanan attended the Vice Chancellors' & Directors' conference on Research & Innovation on 26 July at New Delhi.

Summer school on machine learning : Advances In Mo...


The 3rd summer school on machine learning : Advances In Modern AI  was conducted from 09 – 14 July, 2018. Machine Learning finds application in areas as diverse as neuroscience, biomedical informatics, drug discovery, speech recognition, language processing, computer vision,

Summer school on computer vision : Basics Of Moder...


The 3rd summer school on computer vision : Basics Of Modern AI  was conducted from 02 – 07 July. Computer Vision is a rapidly evolving field with its applications being steadily integrated into our day to day lives. The field

Computer Software and Applications Conference (COM...


Sravyasri Garapati, Research Assistant, Kamalakar Karlapalem working under the supervision of Prof.  Kamalakar Karlapalem, Data Sciences and Analytics Center (DSAC),  presented paper on  Empirical Evaluation of Idle-Time Analysis Driven Improved Decision Making by Always-On Agents at the IEEE 42nd Annual

2018 Libre Software Meeting (LSM/RMLL)


Dr. Venkatesh Choppella, Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) and Center for Open Software (COS)  participated in a meeting on Digital Education: Making Captivity or New Emancipation? at the 2018 Libre Software Meeting (LSM/RMLL), Strasbourg, France from 7 – 12 July.