Dr. Deva Priyakumar, Visiting Scientist at Univers...


Dr. Deva Priyakumar was a visiting scientist at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland from 11 - 25 July. His visit was funded by the Indian National Science Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Sustainable Construction Materials and Techniques ...


Dr. Sunitha Palissery, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre (EERC) gave an invited lecture on Sustainability and Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad on 30 June. Since sustainability is also related to proper planning, design

Workshop on Impact on Revised Provisions of S1893 ...


A one day workshop on Impact on Revised Provisions of S1893 (1): 2016 on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings was held on 7 July at Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC). It brought  together professionals from civil and structural design practice,

Short Course on Earthquake Resistant Design of Bui...


Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) conducted a Student Short Course on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings for undergraduate students of Civil Engineering from 3 - 6 July. It gave undergraduate civil engineering students an understanding of earthquake resistant design philosophy

Session on Lighting Design and Simulations


Dr. Vishal Garg conducted a session on Lighting design and Simulations at the College of Architecture Trivandrum on 25 July.

Changing Configurations: Himalayas and Trans-Himal...


Dr. Aniket Alam attended a Conference on Changing Configurations: Himalayas and Trans-Himalayas C-500 BCE-1950 CE at New Delhi from 5 - 7 July.